Yalbilinya miya (learn together): First Nations led program to support Koori women’s breastfeeding journey

Yalbilinya miya is a project designed and led by RivMed to better understand the challenges local Aboriginal women face around breastfeeding and hear their thoughts on what types of supports they think would be useful to help Aboriginal women in their journeys of breastfeeding. The project is funded through a two-year grant from the Lowitja Institute and with research support provided from the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and the Sax Institute.

This two-part project aims firstly to provide knowledge of the perspectives and experiences of breastfeeding among Aboriginal women in the Wagga Wagga area gathered through yarning circles with local Aboriginal mothers and Elders. Secondly this project aims to decolonise breastfeeding support by using this knowledge gathered from local women to develop a culturally responsive support program that provides wraparound care including lactation training of Aboriginal health workers. The first step of the project is now complete, and the development of the program is currently underway and will start in early 2024.

Cyber Incident Update


RivMed recently became aware that it was a victim of a cyber incident. An unauthorised person committed a criminal offense and accessed a part of our IT systems. As soon as we became aware, we immediately engaged leading cyber experts to provide us advice on how to respond. 

While our investigation is ongoing, we can confirm the incident has been contained. The RivMed team have been urgently working to respond to the incident and have taken all steps to protect the privacy of our community members and staff.

Once we determine what personal information was accessed during the incident, we will be contacting individuals in line with our obligations. The incident has been reported to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

We place the wellbeing of our community members, clients and staff as our highest priority and are committed to supporting those affected. A specialist provider, IDCARE, has been engaged to support our community with any responses to questions on the incident. 

If you have any further questions or would like support in relation to the incident, please reach out to support@rivmed.org.au and one of our dedicated team will respond promptly. We thank you for your support.



CEO & Board of RivMed