Intensive Family Based Services (IFBS)

RivMed delivers one of the seven NSW Intensive Family Based Services (IFBS) and works work with Aboriginal children, young people and families where those children and young people are at risk of entering the Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) system (Crisis/Preservation stream). Our IFBS team also works with families whose children are currently in OOHC where restoration is being planned.

RivMed – Yandarra FEstival
RivMed – Wellness Centre

How to access the Intensive
Family Based Services

IFBS Clients are referred to RivMed for services. However, please contact us for more information about the service.

RivMed – Wellness Centre

We respectfully acknowledge that the lands and waterways on which the Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation operates, and the communities we serve are the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people. We pay our respects to our elders past and present and we will continue to fulfill our cultural obligations as a First Nations organisation operating on Wiradjuri country.

Always Was. Always Will Be.