About Us

Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal community controlled primary health care service. Its primary purpose is to provide culturally safe holistic health and well-being services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Wagga Wagga and surrounding areas.

The services provided are comprehensive and address the risk areas contributing to poor health outcomes through access to primary health care services including preventative health care programs such as dental services, screening programs and health education programs.


The history leading to the establishment of Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation’s (RivMed) current service provision is bound in the history of the Aboriginal Family Resettlement Scheme which commenced in 1974. This scheme was a NSW state government initiative to relocate Aboriginal families from rural remote communities. Prior to that there were seven identified Aboriginal families living in the local Wagga Wagga community. The scheme was funded to relocate Aboriginal families to Wagga Wagga to access better housing, education, health and employment opportunities, for the resettled families. Consequently, there was a dramatic increase in the Aboriginal population in Wagga Wagga at this time, there were more than 500 Aboriginal people in 1982. Unfortunately, this program did little to address the health outcomes of Aboriginal people. The reality was something different and the experience of many people was of isolation from mainstream services in Wagga Wagga.

Kids having fun

Our Services Area

Our service coverage includes Wagga Wagga and surrounding areas, and outreach services to Brungle.

Our services target:

  • Primary Health Care
  • Oral Health
  • Family Services
    • Well-being programs
    • Family functional therapy
    • Intensive family based services

Demographic characteristics:

  • Wagga Wagga resident population 2016 is estimated at 64, 272
  • 6% Aboriginal and Torres St Islander people (Compared to NSW 2.5%)
  • Located in Wiradjuri Country, in Southern NSW

Our Models of Care

RivMed’s whole of life care model emphasises nurturing young people, wellness and recovery and end of life care.

Our model place the client family at the centre of care. It outlines the processes and flows of activities, from arrival,
through diagnosis, treatment and referral. It includes the key linkages and clinical pathways that might be necessary
for clients in assisting them towards the best possible outcomes for whole of life health and wellbeing.

The model of care is underpinned by five pillars to support the culturally safe delivery of primary health care to
Aboriginal people and their families, being:

  • Community – a sense of belonging, being part of an extended family which provides connection and social supports
  • Family – generational support and guidance underpinned by respect and recognition within family groups
  • Culture – the tangible and intangible objects which provide song lines and connections to the land which has been nurtured by Aboriginal people for thousands of years
  • Country – recognition of where family groups belong
  • Emotional – the positive and negative influence history and current practices affecting Aboriginal people

We respectfully acknowledge that the lands and waterways on which the Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation operates, and the communities we serve are the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people. We pay our respects to our elders past and present and we will continue to fulfill our cultural obligations as a First Nations organisation operating on Wiradjuri country.

Always Was. Always Will Be.