Mental Health Services

We work with RivMed’s clinical team and GPs to case manage and coordinate care for the treatment of medical, substance and mental health conditions.

Social Work

Our social workers support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people, their families and community. We assist you in dealing with emotional, social and practical issues. Our accredited Social Workers are qualified within the Australian Association Social Workers’ code of ethics and guidelines.
RIVMED – Naidoc

Counselling Services

Our qualified counsellors can provide telephone, home-visit and face-to-face support for individuals, families and communities experiencing hardship or requiring support. Counselling involves talking with a trained professional to help manage your feelings and situation. These sessions are confidential according to the RivMed privacy policy.

Social and
Emotional Wellbeing

Social Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) involves connection to land or ‘country’, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community, but also includes mental health.

RivMed aims to support the broad social and emotional wellbeing needs of the Wagga Wagga community, adhering to the RivMed Model of Care and complimentary the clinical and family services delivered. Our program delivery focuses on all aspects of cultural, emotional, environmental and spiritual wellbeing.

Our services include:

  • Counselling
  • Therapy
  • Support and Advocacy
  • Referrals to other services and programs
Child with cosmetics
RivMed – Yandarra FEstival

We respectfully acknowledge that the lands and waterways on which the Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation operates, and the communities we serve are the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people. We pay our respects to our elders past and present and we will continue to fulfill our cultural obligations as a First Nations organisation operating on Wiradjuri country.

Always Was. Always Will Be.