Partners &
Funders of RivMed
Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation receives funding and support from various health and wellbeing service providers, philanthropic partners, research facilities and government.
We work collaboratively to deliver key programs, aligned with the NHMRC ethical guidelines and funding agreements.
Our current partners and funders include:
- Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)
- Department of Health (Commonwealth)
- Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network
- National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)
- NSW Ministry of Health
- Koori Women’s Breastfeeding
- ACCESS (Ear-Health)
- Alcohol & Other Drugs (GAMS Partnership)
RivMed maintains memberships with the following associations:
- NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation (ABSEC)
- Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council (AH&MRC)
- National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- World Public Health Nutrition Congress
- Lowitja Institute